Abigail Lynn

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Gustaf William

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Gus update

Well, well what to say about this blue eyed little man. He is getting bigger in a couple of weeks we go in to see how big he is now, but for now this is what is going on. He is so very happy, he is starting to eat a lot more and it seems like all he is doing is eating. He is also getting closer to rolling over and laughing. He has rolls on his legs which are so cute, we laugh and ask how this can be cuz unless he is sleeping those little legs are constantly kicking. When he smiles it comes from his toes. For about a week now he has been sleeping through the night eating 6 oz before bed helps. Now if only we could get him to take nice long naps in his crib then we could transition him to his crib at night. Well I should go can hear Gus starting to wake up.

Our Christmas

Been trying to get this post up, but it is hard. I uploaded the pictures a few days ago and I am now getting a chance to update what has been going on. Christmas this year was interesting. We didn't have a flow like I did growing up. One person at a time in each taking turns. Well with a 3 year old who had way many more gifts then anyone else plus a new born who got toys for when he is a few months older made it for some fun. I think Bill and I had 5 gifts to open and the rest were the kids and that was 5 for the 2 of us. It was fun what we did was let Abi chose the gift and whoever name was on it that was who would open, for Gus gift Abi got to open them and the only way she new it was for him even with us telling her it was for Gus was that fact that there was a baby brother on the toy so it was a baby brother (on a side note every baby she sees right now is a baby brother). The toys that she really wanted to play with right away she would hand them to daddy and say open it. We were happy with how well behaved Abi was that day,  She opened presents, skyped and ate and played all day with all her new toys, by 7:30 pm she was sleeping with out us having to put her to tell her it was bed time, all we did was get her diaper changed and put on her jammies and she crawled into bed all by herself and asked for her freaky.